Being a global leader, you obviously reached milestones. Milestones within companies or within your field of expertise. Maybe you feel like you want more, or something different. There are many global leaders that would like to reach milestones like they have not done before. Milestones that include a positive impact in the world in a different way which could also take place in a new role or organisation. This to bring more worth to your lifeswork and unleash your potential.
Global leaders that want to make a difference, create positive impact, lead by example and be part of the transformation. The desire is there, the need for change is undenied. As I have seen many times before.
Acknowledging the problems is a start. Being part of the solution you could consider the following objectives, each containing a specific step; Awareness, Inspiration and Action.
- Objective 1: Awareness
Connect with your own inner wisdom and use your qualities, skills, presence and life to lead from your own authentic potential.
- Objective 2: Inspiration
Connect with people that live and lead from the same values and presence as you. Inspire, motivate and listen to one another.
- Objective 3: Action
Connect to the organisation and position, where you can create impact for yourself and the world around you.
Don’t worry, you are not alone.
Achieving impact is easier together, than by yourself. Because of this very reason, I created the Global Leadership Platform, a community where I support leaders who would like to have more impact in the world.
Empowering leaders has become my ‘way of living’: I support leaders to excel in their work, by exploring their drivers and connect with their purpose. Having clarity about their human nature and to shape their professional ambition to have more impact in their world of influence.
I have been working with leaders in public and private sectors all over the world for many years. I met leaders that had a lot of ambition, knew their own purpose and had a strong desire to live an impactful life. For leaders like these the Global Leadership Platform was created, an online community where professionals can:
· Meet
· Inspire each other
· Learn how to excel
· Become authentic leaders
· Find the best opportunities
· Secure the positions that they desire
· Be part of each other’s transformations
The information shared on the Global Leadership Platform can be divided into three main area’s: Global Leadership, Career Transition and Impact. While watching inspiring videos, you can learn from the experiences of other global leaders and see how the three parts are interconnected.
Every 2nd Monday of each month I organise an online meeting to which you are welcome to join, where we will share relevant topics and connect with each other. In the community you are able to ask me and the other participants all the questions you have, we are here for you. For leaders that live in the spotlight and work in a (politic) sensitive environment, the Global Leadership Platform will be a ‘safe space’ to meet and cocreate.
What will the membership of the global leadership platform bring you:
- Online platform with lots of interviews with global leaders, on Leadership, Impact and career transition
- Excess to an exclusive network of leaders that are there to co-create with
- A monthly zoom meeting on a relevant topic where I will share refreshing insights and there is the opportunity to share or ask questions.
- A forum where you can ask all your questions
- A library full of information on career transition and the latest links to opportunities
I would love to give you something extra
BONUS 1: as part of becoming a participant on this platform we will have a one hour strategy session on your personal leadership and career path. After this session you will have a clear picture of what is possible in your near future and what the next step will be.
BONUS 2 : you will have free excess to the first face-to-face meeting in March /April 2024 in the Netherlands. Information on data and content will soon be available.